My son and I were a little scared when we came here. The staff did an amazing job of explaining everything and being so transparent. It was so refreshing and comforting and made the already heightened situation much easier to handle.
Allison, Parent of CSU Client

The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) program opened in 2014 was created in conjunction with the San Francisco Department of Public Health to evaluate and triage children and youth (ages 5-17) who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms or a mental health crisis. The Edgewood CSU is one of only a few CSUs designed to serve youth 5-17 years of age in the entire state of California.
Currently, most children in crisis situations end up in emergency facilities that are inadequately prepared to manage children experiencing a non-medical, emotional crisis. The CSU provides a safe, structured, child-friendly and family supportive environment.
We accept referrals from all counties in the Bay Area and beyond. We accept Medi-Cal of San Francisco, Kaiser, and most other private insurances.
- Who: Youth who are experiencing a mental health or psychiatric crisis in San Francisco and neighboring counties who need immediate crisis evaluation and stabilization services. Aged 5-17, four clients maximum on the Unit at one time. Youth and families can self-refer. We also accept referrals from schools, therapists, hospitals, Comprehensive Crisis Services of SF, and other emergency services. Call us at: 415-650-7876
- What: The CSU is a multidisciplinary team, including a Medical Director, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Manger, Clinicians, Nurses, Counselors, and a Family Peer Partner. Nursing and clinical care are provided 24/7. The CSU team, in conjunction with the family and youth determines and facilitates a mental health assessment, discharge plan, and safety plan.
- Where: 2681 28th. Ave San Francisco, CA 94116
- Why: The CSU supports youth who are experiencing a mental health crisis and are in need of a multidisciplinary assessment and potential overnight stabilization in an effort to prevent acute psychiatric crisis and divert from the ER or hospital when possible. Our goal is to help stabilize to prevent further escalation and refer youth and families to needed resources in a supportive and safe environment.
- When: Anytime! We accept referrals 24/7/365
- Comprehensive crisis evaluation and mental health risk assessment
- Medical screening
- Collaborative treatment planning with an individualized, strength-based focus
- Crisis stabilization and prevention
- Discharge planning including linkage with community supports and services
- Coping skills building and safety planning
- Parent and guardian support and education