What is the Hospital Diversion Program?
- Edgewood’s Hospital Diversion Program (HD) is a residential treatment program (24/7) that is an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for youth.
- We stabilize and assess youth in a safe, well supervised, structured and therapeutic environment while carrying out interventions that help them prepare for returning home
- The average length of stay is 14 days (can vary)
- The program serves youth and families experiencing acute stress due to emotional, behavioral, social, and or familial challenges. We understand that every family’s experience is unique, and we make sure each individual situation is understood, addressed, and incorporated into our care.
What services does the Hospital Diversion Program offer?
- A safe, well supervised and structured therapeutic environment with an emphasis on helping youth develop and utilize coping and emotional regulation skills
- Assessment, crisis stabilization and intensive interventions with the goal of helping youth reduce mental health symptoms
- On-site child psychiatry and nursing care
- Individual, group, and family psychotherapy
- Clinical case management to coordinate services with schools, primary care physicians, and community providers
- Skills building and therapeutic groups for youth
- Linkages to community supports and services
Who is Hospital Diversion for?
- The Hospital Diversion (HD) program is intended for youth between the ages of 12–17 who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Youth being considered for hospital diversion may exhibit behaviors that pose a safety risk to themselves or others at home or in the community
- Often these youth experience acute symptoms related to mental illness, trauma, extreme conflict, and/or significant behavioral and developmental difficulties.
- Youth who have acute psychiatric symptoms or who are referred for mental health assessment in an unlocked setting
- Cannot be managed outside a 24-hour program due to safety concerns
- Lacks the ability to effectively utilize community-based treatment and therefore symptoms and level of functioning in the community have not improved
- Exhibits significant impairment in judgment, impulse control and/or cognitive/perceptual ability due to psychiatric problems
- May have significant relationship stressors related to peers and family
- May experience significant dysfunction
How do we measure success?
- Decrease of high-risk behaviors/safety related concerns
- Increased use of coping and emotional regulation skills
- Decrease of mental health symptoms related to the youth’s diagnoses
- Improved communication and understanding of needs between family members
- Improved social skills
In addition to Edgewood’s intensive on-site, intensive, strengths
based, collaborative, and comprehensive behavioral and
intervention therapy supports, we offer our residential youth
clients multiple opportunities to continue to heal through arts,
cooking, gardening, music, and other holistic therapy modalities.