Strengthening our Local Community with your volunteer support
The life-saving and transformative work that Edgewood Center for Children and Families does would not be possible without the dedication of our incredible volunteers who share their time and talents in support of children, youth and families.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have pivoted to providing a variety of meaningful virtual and in-person volunteer activities designed specifically to support our most vulnerable families and staff during this unprecedented time. Each activity can be completed by individuals and groups. We are also open to opportunities to work with you and/or your group to cultivate personalized opportunities that are transformative for all involved!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Edgewood Center for Children and Families!
Please note that the list below is not exhaustive and additional opportunities are always available.
All volunteers must complete this interest form and applicable application prior to volunteering.
*Please note if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area that you will also be required to complete an additional TB Skin Test and Background Check.
Advancement Team
Marketing & Communications: Assist in implementing campaigns to boost brand engagement and increase revenue
Special Events: Assist in the planning and execution of special events/fundraising events
San Francisco Region
Closet Sorter: Assist in sorting clothes in the inventory closet to help distribute them to transition age youth
Virtual Mentor/Teacher: Lead an activity for a small group for youth (variety of skill sets needed)
San Mateo Region
Closet Sorter: Assist in sorting clothes in the inventory closet to help distribute them to transitional age youth
Food Distribution: Once a month, assist in distributing nutritious food to our San Mateo families
*Assemble essential care packages for our youth and families who have been most impacted by COVID-19
- School Supply Package (for youth who need school supplies)
Suggested Items: Binders, calculators, colored pencils, construction paper, crayons, erasers, filler paper (college/wide ruled), folders (paper/plastic), glue sticks, highlighters, markers, notebooks, pencils (#2/mechanical), pencil bag/box, pencil sharpeners, pens (black/blue), STEM learning kits (e.g. volcano kits). Kids also need new or lightly used laptops and iPads.
- Caregiver Wellness Package (for grandparents stepping up to raise their grandchildren)
Suggested Items: Acupressure rings, foot care products, fuzzy socks, gratitude cards, puzzles, sleep masks, teas, etc.
- Feminine Care Package (for our teens and women)
Suggested items: Deodorant, face wipes, lip balm, pads, panty liners, tampons, skincare products, etc.
- Hygiene/Utility Package (for our housing insecure youth and families)
Suggested Items: Body/face/shower wipes, dry shampoo, first aid kits, hairbrushes, lotion, non-perishable food, phone charging cords/banks, pre-paid cell phones, sleeping bags, tissues, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.
- Infant/Toddler Care Package (support the newest members of our Edgewood family)
Suggested Items: Baby foods, burp clothes, diapers, formula, wipes, etc.
- Youth Activity Package (for youth who need support keeping their hands and minds busy)
Suggested Items: Activity/coloring books, air plane kits, board games, construction paper, crayons, deck of cards, fidgets, markers, origami paper, PlayDoh, puzzles, sketch books, slime, slinkys, soft frisbees, STEM learning kits (e.g. volcano kits).
Please contact:
- Events Strategy and Management
- Interpretation and Translation Services
- Program Analytics and Research
- Volunteers Strategy and Management