Wraparound helped me build the skills to handle life's challenges, big and small.
Larissa, Former Client

What Is This Program?
Edgewood Wraparound helps youth and their families in the Child Welfare, Probation, and Mental Health systems of San Francisco and San Mateo Counties. We provide family-centered, individualized, culturally competent, and strengths-based care to youth and their families.
We support children by building the resources they need to thrive. Our ultimate goal is to develop permanency and connectedness for the families and communities we serve.
What Services Do You Offer?
Each Wraparound family works with a specialized team. Edgewood Wraparound identifies the goals of each family and designs appropriate services to address them in flexible and creative ways. As each child and family is unique, we pride ourselves on creating tailored programs to fit everyone’s specific needs.
We develop an action plan through regular meetings with our Wraparound Services team, families, youth, support networks, and county officials when necessary. We create and maintain a family mission, identify the family’s strengths and needs, and generate tangible goals.
Who is this for?
Families are referred to Edgewood by probation officers and child welfare, AAP, and mental health workers. We support children and families who need assistance with issues related to mental health, substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders.
All referrals for Wraparound services are managed through a collaborative process including Edgewood, Seneca, CBHS, HSA and SF Probation. All youth stepping down from group home or residential care or involved in higher levels of care are eligible for these services. We work with you to develop a full team and begin the Wraparound planning process focusing on youth and family permanency.