A Home in Need
For many of the children who utilize our Residential Treatment Program here at Edgewood Center for Children and Families, it is often their first time experiencing a safe and stable home environment. Although their individual circumstances differ, certain alarming commonalities stand out. Some, for example, were bounced between as many as ten schools and foster care placements. Others came having endured repeated instances of physical abuse and neglect. Many more came from neighborhoods plagued with violence and little-to-no positive social network.
To offer hope and healing to these youth, we operate our residential program out of three cottages: a home for a total of 200 children and teens throughout the year who are struggling with mental health issues. Walk into one of these cottages and you will see what you would in any home – kids helping the adults prepare a meal in the kitchen, doing homework before bedtime, playing games or reading books in the living room. The cottages provide the beginnings of a nurturing and structured life for our youth. Now, after many years of loving use, these cottages – the children’s homes – need to be renovated.
This extensive project will cost approximately $700,000.
Project update as of February 5, 2018
A plaque has been installed outside of Dimond Cottage to honor the contributions of our generous donors. With their help, we were able to raise nearly $600,000 for our Cottage Improvement Campaign.
The Boris and Vera Bogart Foundation
The Bothin Foundation
Virgil and Jan Bourgon
DeLong-Sweet Family Foundation
Estate of Joy DeWeese-Wehen
Dome Construction Corporation
Nancy Eccles & Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation
Katherine Feinstein and Rick Mariano
The Herbst Foundation, Inc.
The William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
Nancy H. Rubin and James E. Loyce
Project update as of May 17, 2017
The renovations have been completed! We marked the re-opening of Dimond Cottage with a celebration and ribbon cutting event. Edgewood would like to extend a huge thank you to our supporters for taking decisive action and restoring the homes of our youth.
Project update as of January 25, 2017

From left to right: Tim Myers, Board Chair, Edgewood Center for Children and Families, Mark Bley, CEO, Dome Construction, Joe Harrington, Dome Construction
Thanks to private gifts from supporters like you, renovations and repairs are underway!
The project broke ground on January 17, 2017, with Dimond cottage, home to our teenage youth, being the first of the three cottages to undergo modifications. Huge thanks to Dome Construction for managing the project for the Dimond cottage! Dome Construction has given a $50,000 cash award as well as $50,000 in-kind award in support of the entire project.
The updates include the installation of new flooring, painting, and purchase of new furniture such as chairs, love seats, benches, beds, and dressers. We look forward to hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony to thank all of our generous donors.
Please consider making a gift to Edgewood so that we can give kids a place they can call home. Your support of the Campus Improvement Project will help youth in so many ways including providing them with a comfortable and safe environment, and an inviting home that allows them to simply be kids!
Estate of Joy DeWeese-Wehen
Dome Construction Corporation
The Bothin Foundation
Nancy Eccles & Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation
The Herbst Foundation, Inc.
The Boris and Vera Bogart Foundation
Virgil Bourgon
Nancy Rubin and Jimmy Loyce
Pat Scott and David Tirrell
Daphne Smith
Donald and Shirley Kerner
Mark and Kathryn Stockhus
Victor and Diane Jin
$500 and below
Joanne Poile Jude and Eileen Laspa W.M. Primozic Carol Savary John and Pamela Sebastian Martha and John Mouer Jerome and Margaret Rosenthal Ann and Cornelius Corkery Kathleen Velykis and Kenneth Lewis Bonnie Lindahl Carl Jay Claude Nave Clayton Mitchell Elizabeth Storey Golden Coast Properties Greta Savage James and Marilyn McCarthy Robert Nurisso Sara Silberschatz Sharon and Paul Melodia William Hudson and Nora Gibson William Jansen |
Stanton and Marsha Glantz Connie Richardson Dorothy Bridgeman Janet Martin Karen Cochran Kari Norder Martha White Mrs. Mary J. Kelley Olga Sorensen Shirley Perkins Steven Hibshman Susan and Eric Hendrickson Yolanda Sandoval Barry Chauser Joseph and Moira Russoniello Kay Yoshida Manuel and Ana Lucas Pamela Shea T. Zimmerman Mrs. Betty Bernstein Alfred Sanguinetti Gary and Irene Katz |