
behavioral coaching


Star came to Edgewood Center for Children and Families to escape domestic abuse. Her family cared for her but struggled to find the appropriate tools to handle Star’s unique challenges with self-esteem and aggressive behavior....

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Mikey (name changed) is nine years old. He is an engaging boy; bright and articulate, he has good reading comprehension and a sly, somewhat dark sense of humor. His fourth-grade teacher says he is a really good writer although he says he hates to write. He lives with his grandmother…...

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Julia is the 67-year-old grandmother of Max, aged four. Over the past five years, Julia has watched helplessly as her daughter, Linda descended further and further into a world of drug addiction, failed relationships, domestic violence, and joblessness. Linda’s last boyfriend was recently arrested for assault. Instead of using his arrest…...

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Carlos was a good 10-year-old boy who could not handle his anger. Abused as a toddler, Carlos became angry or frustrated, he began huffing and puffing and went into a kind of anger trance. Frustrated and unable to help him, his teachers called on Edgewood Behavior Coach David Mulig to…...

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