We condemn the racially targeted violence in Atlanta and the recurring targeting of Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander members of the Bay Area community in recent months. Edgewood stands in solidarity with those who have been feeling unsafe due to these recent events and the stress and trauma that accompany such aggressive targeting of one group of our community.
While we mourn and extend our condolences to the families and loved ones of the eight lives that were taken in a horrific hate crime, we also want to encourage all who are feeling threatened to seek support and to talk honestly and directly about the fear and stress that can accompany such threats.
Edgewood continues to be deeply committed to serving all members of the community and honors the diversity of our clients, staff, volunteers, partners, and advocates. We stand in solidarity and are here as a resource for those who are in need of support.
If you witness an act of hate against Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, please report it at: stopaapihate.org
Additional Media Sources About The San Francisco Safety Event